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SEA-UNITE SAYS NOT ENOUGH! Bargaining Team Report

The SEA-Unite Bargaining team has a clear view of the SkyCity offer

We need you to join together to get a better deal!

Since the beginning of September, the combined SEA Unite and E tū union bargaining team have met with your employer several times.

Our penal rate claim has been rejected, and the pay increase offered is 2.5% on 1 April next year and 2.5% on 1 April the year after. While there have been some positive gains, such as improving the shoe allowance and an offer to roll-in service payments to improve pay rates, the union bargaining team feels that the overall offer falls far short of being acceptable.

We will be holding combined union member feedback sessions on Friday 8th November, where we will present the full company offer, encourage you to reject it, endorse a mandate to settle and to consider industrial action.

Please come to one of the meetings to have your voice heard. Kia Kaha! The SEA Unite and E tū bargaining team

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