It can get very hot at work, especially if temperatures are high and ventilation or air-conditioning is not working properly. There is not a specific temperature that is officially too hot, but anything consistently around or over 30 degrees celsius is going to be a problem for most people.
It is a health and safety issue and needs to be taken seriously.
Here are some steps you can take:
Report the temperatures and the problems it is causing to your manager and have it recorded in writing as a health and safety incident report. Keep records (texts, emails or notes) of the times you raised concerns.
Record the temperature over time with photos from your phone. If your workplace doesn't have a thermometer bring one from home or buy a cheap digital one.
Ask your manager for extra ventilation, fans, chilled water or drinks, extra breaks or regular rotation to cooler areas.
If anyone is feeling faint then action needs to be taken immediately. Falls from fainting can result in serious injury. Anyone who is feeling faint should (and is entitled to) stop work and move to somewhere safe until it is safe to resume work.
If you your health and safety concerns are not being addressed or taken seriously contact us on 0800 286 483 (0800 2 UNITE) or email support@unite.org.nz.
This is Worksafe’s guidance doc for employees
Every summer we have urgent calls from members about the air conditioning and ventilation systems breaking down or malfunctioning in some stores. This can often happen in the holiday period and can easily lead to unsafe conditions for workers.
This is sometimes compounded by the hottest and busiest days being often public holidays when the availability of tradespeople is very problematic and leads to to lengthy delays before safe working conditions can be restored.
Section 10 (1)(e) of the Health and Safety at work (general risk and workplace management regulations) state:
(1) A PCBU must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that
(e) that there is suitable and sufficient ventilation to enable workers to carry out work without risks to health and safety.
We are requesting that the company take all practicable steps to ensure that the workers have a well maintained suitable and safe environment to work in by checking that all air conditioning and ventilation units are functioning and maintained properly and by ensuring the work environment has:
Ventilation - Providing either fresh and or purified air
Means for controlling humidity arising from any work process or activity
Means for controlling atmospheric conditions, including air velocity, radiant heat, and temperature.
Facilities to enable any atmospheric contaminants to be controlled as closely as possible to their source.
Facilities for treating and carrying off any atmospheric contaminants to minimise the likelihood they will be a cause or source of harm to any worker.
Air conditioning and ventilation equipment requires regular maintenance and testing. A breakdown in the middle of summer when equipment has not been recently checked or serviced is an entirely preventable health and safety risk.
We have in the past (and will do so again if required) advised members to cease work so as not to expose themselves to such unsafe conditions.
We are writing to all restaurant and area mangers to request air conditioning maintenance and checks are carried out well before the summer season commences.. We would appreciate confirmation that these checks have recently done, or will be done before December 1st .
This is Worksafe’s guidance doc for employers: