Aotearoa's Hospitality Union
We are a democratic community of workers who have banded together to increase the power we hold in our workplaces. Our past victories include getting rid of zero-hours contracts, defeating youth rates, and winning back tens of millions in incorrectly paid annual leave.
We've got each others' backs too, union delegates are the power-balance to unfair management. From favouritism in our workplaces, to bullying and unfair disciplinary action, Unite delegates support and fight for the rights of our members.

Send us a message
Our people will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer, or will forward your query to a local organiser who will be able to contact you and help you out.

Hospitality Fair Pay Agreement
The National/ACT NZ First Government repealed the Fair Legislation at the end of 2023. While that means we can’t use that process to bargain better pay and conditions for all hospo workers, we can still bargain with employers directly to achieve the same improvements, just as we have for the past twenty years for Fast Food, Hotel, Casino and Cinema workers across Aotearoa. More Info